We Are Changing The Connotation Of Risk

Our connotation: Risk is a tool to help you live true to yourself.


People are born into a system that disproportionately promotes security and safety, urging them to be "normal" and not push outside certain borders of thought. We challenge the conventional preference for security over a willingness to explore the unknown.

The brand's mission is to showcase that Risk isn't the adversary; instead, it's a powerful ally that, when harnessed correctly, can lead to an entirely different and more fulfilling life. We inspire people to overcome their fear of living in a way that is true to themselves. We promote acknowledging your innermost wishes and taking visionary action towards them. 

People live their whole lives looking for their purpose, not understanding that they are their purpose.

Everyone wants security, but just as there is no light without dark, there is no security without Risk. Risk is the baseline of any beginning; most Risk something, and there is always something to Risk, so why be scared when you can embrace it and use it to your advantage? 

Project Risk encourages individuals to adopt a mindset that acknowledges Risk and utilizes it to gain a competitive edge in decision-making. Understanding and embracing Risk allows individuals to act on what is true to them and confidently navigate life. 

"The undaunted pursuit of personal truths, even if deemed risky by societal norms, becomes a source of excitement rather than fear."

When you use our connotation of Risk you begin to define your life by leading with Risks. Every action you take and decision you make help build the future you desire, ultimately allowing you to live true to yourself.


Risk in its current form is fear-mongering; even when it is spoken of, the word scares and unsettles people. In its current connotation, Risk is used to scare people from their truth. How can you live true to yourself if you aren't willing to "risk" anything for yourself? Switching the narrative of Risk in your mind gives you the advantage of making risky choices and taking that leap that others wouldn't dare to take.


Project Risk is a call; it's a call to embrace change, face danger, and take chances in pursuing a more authentic lifestyle. The community we aim to build is a testament to the power of living true to oneself and the transformative potential of understanding and harnessing Risk.

We believe our community will stand out and inspire others to adopt our way of thinking, so they to can live true to themselves.


One of Project Risks' main goals is to change how people interact with and respond to Risk; to do so, you must live a certain way. The lifestyle of the people who adopt our way of thinking is one of working to be the best version of yourself to benefit those around them. It is for those who wake up and try their hardest to live the most fulfilling life they can on their own accord. 

"The best thing you can do for the world is to be your best."

When you live according to the Project Risk standards your lifestyle stands out because you step outside of societal norms becoming un-normal.


Project Risk is not just a brand. It's a movement aimed at liberating people from the shackles of conformity. It appeals to those who want to lead their lives independently, make decisions that resonate with their true selves, and live authentically. We want to build a community of like-minded individuals who support each other in pursuing personal fulfilment.


In our context, Risk isn't about being reckless or mindlessly taking chances. Risk is about understanding what is at hand and applying Risk to one's advantage. By grasping this concept, individuals can make decisions that others might shy away from, decisions that bring clarity, freedom, and a sense of authenticity without negatively impacting others.

"What you nurture becomes your reality"